Friday, August 24, 2012

New Beginnings Prosperity Now Continue;Expand;Extend

Going Going Going to see my Porsche at Rusnak Pasadena!

Monday, August 6, 2012

New Outside Sales Position:

Outside Sales Job:   for a West Coast Based Software Sales position for one of my clients. I have enclosed the job description at the end of this email. If you refer a friend for this or any of my open positions, you will get an iPad 3 as a referral bonus!For more details on this job or to apply simply visit CyberCoders: a fit for this job?  Search all of our open jobs: You can use the link below if you would like us to hold off on emails to you about new opportunit

Sunday, August 5, 2012

Full and complete restoration declared in training

Oh oh!  My Goodness...and now I understand exactly how it works and why I always won in spades and her it comes!  ha ha ha! I always took the house!

Thursday, August 2, 2012

Full Restoration Continues

Refocusing my goals & mission:
1)  Integrated and complete living in Christ by grace.
a) Listening to Sermons & Christian Music 'ME'
2)  Continuing in New Marriage Focus - Dating
3)  Start Career
4)  Start School
5)  Start Netwotking

Full Restoration Continues

Stating to everyone that my public life began 26 years ago when I was featured on the talk show cara a cara and thanking God that I continue in public still and will always be an 'open book'.

Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Full Restoration Process

And I realize I am self publishing now live in public through social media and it is wonderful.  I do feel like I am living my favorite movie, can you guess which one it is? This is the awesome part about my life that I will marry who I am supposed to marry this time around and it will happen no matter who or what tries to stop it because we were meant to be together and at it will happen at its precise and appointed time and this makes me laugh!!!

Full Restoration Process

I still remain firm in all my beliefs and I am still the same person in character sweetness love for everyone and a forgiving heart but I feel like a woman who is beginning to flourish and advance and I am grateful to God first and Absolutely Everybody who has been helping me Family, Friends and communities.  Pretty much in a nutshell I am growing up in everyway having been been set free from a marriage and concepts in every discipline that gave either been misunderstood or incorrectly applied.  I could never have done it alone without you.  I am also noticing that I am not responding to cues as I was because if they are not a direct text from the person contacting me writing me it is unclear of what you are trying to tell me and that makes me understand what some of you were all trying to tell me at the time but i was not at a place where it could be clearly seen.  Thank you!!!

Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Karin Spencer

In Addition to 'references there are additions in the publishing industry and because my background is quiet vast and I am well versed in many industries;arts; abd in sales and marketing you are a camillionand in the Bible Paul yhe Apistle fulfills it and because mensah has become a blessing redefine the spelling: 'To define':  'woman under authority' Eric plays the one who really is and my first love.

Command hierarchy - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Monday, July 30, 2012

Karin Spencer

Really, Seriously I am NOT trying to rehumiliate myself it Really is just NOT what you think it takes complete and absolute discerment, knowledge, understanding from the 5 fold ministry in order to rebuild at 101% at All levels. There is one absolute and perfect way to come to All the conclusion and I walk in tgem guided by the Holy Spirit.  Again really it is NOT what you think, but thank you for making it a fun event in a light hearted way for everyone to enjoy!

Historical reenactment - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Karin Spencer

Waking up to ' on the church channel'.  Remembering the reality of the different realms that we live and for everyone that is involved in the full restoration:  (Layman terms)  How do you restore a 'has been' priceless car, collector's (only 40 made) like the one in the picture getting the absolute and complete value?

Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Completely in Love with the Risen Christ I HAVE come into my garden, my sister, my [promised] bride; I have gathered my myrrh with my balsam and spice [from your sweet words I have gathered the richest perfumes and spices]. I have eaten my honeycomb with my honey; I have drunk my wine with my milk. Eat, O friends [feast on, O revelers of the palace; you can never make my lover disloyal to me]! Drink, yes, drink abundantly of love, O precious one [for now I know you are mine, irrevocably mine! With his confident words still thrilling her heart, through the lattice she saw her shepherd turn away and disappear into the night].

Amazing worship...

karin spencer restored

While I commence the restoration process, I will be recooperating at all levels and excuse my absence for the next couple of weeks while I recover my strength. My focus will be Prayer and reading the Bible, while catching up on sleep and eating adequately...Please feel free to text me - 714-642-5040
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